
I’ve been working on adding to my Sternguard a bit as I slowly work my way through the rest of my unpainted models. These guys are using some of the new shades I picked up, specifically the Drakenhoff Nightshade and the Guilliman Blue glaze.  The bases along with the weapons, are from Anvil Industry, and I’ve been really happy with them. The bases do a great job of staying put on terrain. I think I’m going to have to pick up a few more of them– these guys are so much more stable than any of my others on standard bases.

sternguardFront sternguardFrontAbove sternguardLeftSide sternguardRightSide

I’ve been wanting to post this for a while, but haven’t had a good way to take pictures. So, I finally got a few of them.  I painted this drop pod quite some time ago; it was one of the first things I painted with my airbrush shortly after I got it.

dropPodDragonHead dropPodInterior

The striping on the sides of the doors was a bit hard to do; mostly with getting the masking tape to play nice. The dragon’s head is modeled on the Salamanders chapter symbol, which I use for my space marines as well (the Silver Dragons). It’s been a nice way to make use of the official (and already made) GW decals without having to print my own. The one on the drop pod I carved out of some plasticard, which was kind of an adventure.

Here’s a shot sideways of the burn scars along the bottom. If I had this to do again, I think I’d do the burn scars farther up the side.


I’m creating this blog for a couple of purposes.  I play Warhammer 40k and have seen a fair number of blogs around with info on painting tips, modeling tips, and a whole bunch of other stuff.  I recently got a ForgeWorld Warhound Titan and started doing a bunch of research into how to go about building it, how to paint it, tips and tricks, and anything in general that might help me build it right.  Well, it turns out there are some of those, but not a lot with very many of the details that I needed.  So, that’s my primary purpose in creating this blog: to provide a place for me to post my experience with building the Warhound and hopefully help get some more information and specifics out there for people who find themselves in the same boat I’m in.

Next, I’m going to put up painting stuff, and eventually this blog may find itself used for the campaigns that I run with my friends for our 40k armies.  We’ll see.  Like I said, I mostly want to get the Warhound info posted.